Leaks are removed for affiliates!
Concerned about leaks for your affiliate traffic? Affiliate traffic sees a slightly different site than general traffic, with all leaks removed. A cookie is saved so that your affiliate traffic sees the same leak-proof site no matter when they come back or how many pages they view, so you can rest assured your traffic will stay where it can make you money.View StraightOffBase.com as your affiliate traffic will see it
Your affiliate links
Use this code to link to StraightOffBase.com:
Are you a tumblr blogger new to affiliates? Here's some hints!
You can also link to our tumblr blogs, Straight Off Base Tumblr and My Straight Buddy Tumblr. This is especially effective if you are a tumblr blogger (or any blogger really) who wants to link to us but wants to be a little discreet about it. For example, you could include our blogs in your blogroll or link list, but use your affiliate link.Both tumblrs have lots of links back to our paysites, and are full of great reasons to join. When you send traffic through these affiliate tumblr links, the traffic is redirected through StraightOffBase first and a 90-day cookie is saved. If that traffic joins within 90 days, you've earned a sale.
Obviously there's lots of leaks on tumblr by its very nature; not a lot of leaks directly to other paysites though. We post constantly, so if traffic you send follows our blogs, we will be continuously advertising to them. If they join StraightOffBase/MyStraightBuddy any time within 90 days, you'll earn that sale.
Use this code to link to Major Wood's Straight Off Base Tumblr:
For affiliate-related issues, or if you need promotional content please email me at